“A Light in the Darkness”

Every morning, I receive a Google update highlighting newsworthy suicides. Those that made enough of an impact to make it to the internets news. Some might think it’s morbid, but for me, it’s a solemn reminder of why I do what I do. This blog—or at least this section of it—has been dedicated to exposing the mental health crisis within the veteran community. Yet, what I share here applies to anyone who struggles, because pain and hopelessness do not discriminate.

Frankly, I’m tired. Tired of seeing so much loss within our communities. Tired of the silence that surrounds these tragedies. Tired of a country that has so much yet leaves so many feeling empty. Hopelessness abounds in a land of plenty, and it’s a cruel irony that we can’t seem to find the resources, empathy, or solutions to stop it.

I know too well the place many of these individuals are coming from. It’s dark, it’s isolating, and it’s not an easy place to escape. You don’t just climb out of that pit; you claw your way out—if you even have the strength to fight.

I have dreams of being a published fantasy author. But if that day never comes and instead this blog helps even one person find their way, then my purpose will be fulfilled. If these words make one person feel less alone or one family member understand the struggle a little better, it’s worth it.

Why do I do this?

For you. For me.

For our sisters. For our brothers.

For those who can’t see their way forward.

For those in darkness. For those drowning.

For those standing helpless as they watch their friends and loved ones suffer.

I will be the broken record. I will continue to say the things that need to be said. Our government doesn’t care enough. The people we elect to represent us don’t care enough. They should. They must. They are responsible, in part, for the systems that fail the most vulnerable among us.

But while they fail, we can step in. I’ll keep writing. I’ll keep reminding people that their struggles are seen and their pain is real. And if I can be a light in someone’s darkest hour, then every word I write here will have been worth it.

To anyone reading this: You matter. You’re not alone. And together, we’ll keep fighting the darkness. See you out there.

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