One of the most challenging parts of sharing personal experiences, especially as a veteran, is the way some people try to downplay or explain away the truths I’ve shared—truths about my life, the lives of my brothers and sisters in arms, and the sacrifices that come with service. What’s even more disheartening is when this dismissal comes from fellow veterans, individuals who should understand the weight of these stories and their importance.
As I’ve said many times, I consider myself the least among my brothers and sisters. Their sacrifices, their losses, and their service often far outweigh my own. But this isn’t about comparisons or measuring worth. It’s about recognizing that every story matters—every loss, every victory, every moment of struggle and triumph. My voice is one among many, and I share it not to glorify myself but to help others find their way.
When I write about my experiences or those of others, it’s not for recognition or validation. It’s because I know there are people out there walking the same path, struggling in silence, or unsure how to move forward. Some of these individuals may be veterans themselves; others may be the loved ones of veterans—those who are desperate to understand, to help, to heal alongside us. For these people, our stories can serve as a beacon, a lifeline, or simply a reminder that they are not alone.
Unfortunately, there will always be those who choose to tear down rather than build up. Some dismiss these stories, either out of discomfort, denial, or misunderstanding. Others might project their own struggles onto the conversation, making it harder for them to see the value in what’s being shared. And while this can be frustrating and even painful, I remind myself that their response says more about them than it does about the worth of my words.
I choose to keep writing, to keep sharing, because I want to grow and be better. I want to help others do the same. None of us have it all figured out, but we’re stronger when we walk this path together, lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down.
To anyone reading this—whether you’re a veteran, a loved one, or simply someone searching for understanding—I encourage you to keep building up. Your words, your actions, and your willingness to support others make a difference, even when it’s not immediately visible. The journey toward healing and growth isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it.
And to those who feel the need to diminish others’ experiences: I hope one day you find the peace and understanding you need to let go of that instinct. Tearing down doesn’t serve anyone, least of all yourself.
For me, I will continue to share what I’ve learned, what I’ve seen, and what I hope for. If even one person finds comfort, clarity, or courage in my words, then it’s worth it. Together, we can create a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and supported—a space where we can all grow and become better versions of ourselves. See you out there.

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