
Tonight is the first debate between the two major parties candidates for president, and we have two of the worst possible choices. Unfortunately, both sides seem to have forgotten just how horrible a choice their guy is. It’s more than just a bunch of mumbling and mean tweets. These two are some of the biggest conmen the USA has ever seen in any office. They have both committed criminal acts for which no one has ever held them accountable (not a sham trial). Sadly, the only thing that is united in the United States right now is the love of the Hawk Tua girl and her many memes. Oh, and there is pure hatred for anyone on the other side. We are in a digital civil war at best; at worst, it’s left the digital realm and entered the homes and churches.

In the first corner, we have the current president. Some know him as Brandon, Melon, the great Mummorer, or just confused. While some things are better under his administration, if you can even call it that, we are mostly worse now than we were four years ago. He has told lies, defended lies, and lived the lie. He is a hanger-on who should have been forced out of office years ago, at the least left in retirement after eight years as VP. But the system brought him back, and for what? That is what the people should have been asking instead of worrying about the mean Twitter account of the then-president. But he wasn’t. Ironically, some of the best people in the democratic party were contenders for president and would have won without the fallout because people actually liked them. His speaking, to die for. Not really.

In the second corner, we have the sweet potato, the felon, the mean Twitter poster himself. He created such shams as the real estate courses you could take where people didn’t learn anything because the professors weren’t…let that sink in. He did some good things while he was in office. He did some bad things while he was in office. Some people were happy, while others were not so much. There were good people on both sides, though. A former member of the democratic party who switched at some point, and suddenly, tons of conservatives flocked to his battle call. His speeches are usually full of crap and insults.

How did we get to this place? The place where the bar is Trump or Biden. A place where the lesser of two evils are still horrible. The people of America have allowed it based on what their side told them to say and do. Blindly. People have forgotten all the times that their guy was caught dead to rights in bald-faced lies and crimes. Of course, the other side has done… Done what exactly, the same thing they have for the last 40 years? Every election cycle, depending on who is the controller at the time, will claim a bunch of bologna, and the other side will tell you they are full of pork by-products. Rinse and repeat term after term after term. We allow them to emulate the royalty we fought over 200 years ago—sitting in Washington living the high life, laughing all the way to the bank year after year. But the only ones people are concerned with are the ones on the other side. It’s a joke. The fastest way to become a millionaire in this country is to go into politics. I digress; back to the presidential election sham. In this election, the only losers will be the American people.

Think about it this way: if you are getting beaten by a man with a hammer and another man takes his place, only instead of a hammer, he is using an iron rod. Are you still getting beaten? America, we can do better. This is complete garbage.



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